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Student Commencement speaker, Jenale Alfonso Cruz (right), with Dr. Mark Bukowski, dean of student services
Avon Park, Fla. – Dec. 15, 2023 – South Florida State College (SFSC) celebrated the academic accomplishments of its graduates with a fall Commencement ceremony held on Thursday, Dec. 14 in the SFSC Alan Jay Wildstein Center for the Performing Arts on the Highlands Campus in Avon Park.
Opening the ceremony, Terry Atchley, chair of the SFSC District Board of Trustees addressed the graduates: “Education is about growth, not just about grades. You have adapted and grown during these times, which has enriched you and added to your academic success. All the triumphs you and your fellow classmates shared together have created a remarkable bond and made your path unique. Graduates, as you embark on the next chapter in your lives, remember that SFSC is forever your home.”
In her presentation to the graduates, Jenale Alfonso Cruz, who earned her Associate in Arts during the ceremony, said that when she was 12 years old, her father had a near-fatal car accident. That incident prompted her to decide to one day become a medical doctor. After working with a local dentist as a dental assistant, her career path changed. Now, she is determined to become a dentist and educate patients on the importance of oral health.
Working full time, it took her four years to complete her associate degree. However, her dream of becoming a dentist may well come true because of her persistence and passion for her job and College endeavors. Her advice to the graduates was, “Don’t give up on trying and don’t ever be afraid of your mistakes. Know that passion and ambition will take you far in life to success. We have all become masters of our fates, and we must continue to dwell in the possibility. Let’s celebrate, Class of 2023. We made it!”
Fred Hawkins, SFSC president, in his first Commencement with the College, said to the graduates, “Commencement is filled meaning and engrained in the fabric we call academic traditions. This is your day, graduates. Take every second of this moment in. Take pictures, share the stories, and make memories with your family and fellow classmates. Take time to celebrate after you leave this campus, because what we do here is solemn and filled with tradition, as it should be, to honor your achievements. We are thrilled for all you have accomplished, and we are now united forever as proud Panthers!”
Approximately 352 students will have met the SFSC requirements by fall Commencement. Of these, 14 received their Bachelor of Science in Supervision and Management (BAS-SM), seven received their Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), one received their Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (BSEE), 99 received their Associate in Arts, 78 received their Associate in Science, 35 received their State of Florida High School Diploma, 38 received their College Credit Certificate (CCC), and 35 received Career Technical Certificates. In all, 149 graduates crossed the stage wearing academic regalia adorned with variously colored cords and sashes signifying their individual achievements.
Mace bearer and chief marshal for Commencement was Michelle Leidel, and marshals were Tina Gottus, Courtney Green, Rob Hampton, Garrett Lee, Michelle Macbeth, Mlisa Manning, Sofia Ochoa, Michael Pate, Lena Phelps, Ricardo Pantoja, Andy Polk, Anthony Record II, Tina Stetson, and Megan Togno.
In addition to Atchley, other members of the SFSC District Board of Trustees in attendance were Vice Chair Timothy D. Backer, Derren J. Bryan, Tami Cullens, and Kris Y. Rider.