Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE) and Graduation Requirements

Beginning Oct. 20, 2021, the State Board of Education revised Florida’s civic literacy competency requirements for students. Students entering SFSC to pursue AA or bachelor’s degree programs, can demonstrate competency for Civic Literacy by either taking AMH 1020 or POS 1041, and passing the Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE). The information below includes the Florida requirements and resources to help you prepare for the FCLE. 

Beginning fall 2024, students entering SFSC under the 2024-2025(202510, 202520, 202530) academic year in AA, BS, and AS programs, can demonstrate competency for Civic Literacy by either taking AMH 1010, AMH 1020, or POS 1041 and passing one of the following assessments:    

  1. AP United States History
  2. AP Government and Politics: United States
  3. CLEP: American Government
  4. Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE)

The test may be taken at SFSC’s Highlands, DeSoto, Hardee, or Lake Placid campus locations.

Civic Literacy Student Requirements

Catalog Year Student Type Degree Type Requirement

Fall 2018 through Summer 2021

(Terms fall 201910 – summer 202130)

First time in college (FTIC) students during the 2018-2019 academic year, 2019-2020 academic year,  and 2020-2021 academic year

Associate in Arts (AA), Bachelor’s

Pass a course (AMH 1020 or POS 1041) OR pass an assessment

The AP or CLEP can be used to meet the assessment and course  requirement

Fall 2021 through Summer 2022

(Terms fall 202210 – summer 202230)

Students entering during the 2021-22 academic year Associate in Arts (AA), Bachelor’s

Pass a course (AMH 1020 or POS 1041) and pass an assessment

  1. The AP or CLEP can be used to meet the assessment and course requirement
  2. The AICE and IB can only be used to meet the course requirement
  3. The FCLE can only be used to meet the assessment requirement

Fall 2022 to current

(Terms fall 202310 – summer 202430)

Students entering during the 2022-23 academic year Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Science (AS), Bachelor’s

Pass a course (AMH 1020 or POS 1041) and pass an assessment

  1. The AP or CLEP can be used to meet the assessment and course requirement
  2. The AICE and IB can only be used to meet the course requirement
  3. The FCLE can only be used to meet the assessment requirement

Fall 2024 to Current

(Terms fall 202510 – to current)

Students entering during the 2024-25

academic year

Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Science (AS), Bachelor’s Pass a course (AMH 1010, AMH 1020 or POS 1041) and pass an assessment

     1. AP United States History.

     2. AP Government and Politics: United States

      3. CLEP: American Government

      4. Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE).

*Per section 1007.25 of the Florida Statute, per Rule 6A-10.02413, Florida Administrative Code

Rule 6A-10.02413 of the State Board of Education defines civic literacy competency as follows:

Must complete or have received credit for AMH 1010 (202510 and up), POS1041 or AMH1020 course with a passing grade of D or higherFemale student holding a pencil and taking a test.


Must pass the FCLE test at college (60%) or pass FCLE in high school (FCLE is not a requirement to graduate high school)


Must pass one of the following exams which give credit for the course and exam:

  • AP Government and Politics: United States (3)
  • AP History: United States (4)
  • CLEP: American Government (POS 1041) (50)

Dual Enrolled Students

  • If you are a dual-enrolled student graduating at SFSC while in high school, you are not required to take the FCLE.
  • If you do not complete your SFSC degree before graduating high school, you are required to take the FCLE.

Testing Requirements

To test for the first time, students can take the exam prior, during, or after taking either AMH 1020 or POS 1041 or previously received a grade of D or higher

Cost None
Time Untimed, but plan for 2 to 2.5 hours
Questions 80
Grade Needed 60%; 48 correct out of 80
Retest Option 30-day waiting period with possible exceptions made on a case-by-case basis

FCLE On-Campus Testing

Appointments are required for testing.

We are only providing on-campus FCLE testing at this time.

We are currently prioritizing students who have taken and successfully completed (with a D or higher)AMH 1010, POS 1041 or AMH 1020.

Schedule-Your-Test-Button(For Highlands Campus testers only)


Or Contact the Testing Center Near You







Lake Placid









Preparing for on-campus testing

Bring your ID on test day. Acceptable forms of ID include:

  • A current driver’s license
  • A current South Florida State College student ID
  • A current state or federal ID card (such as a Green Card)
  • A current passport

Personal items will not be permitted in the Testing Center. A locker will be provided for all personal items.

Arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment.

Testing candidates are the only people allowed in the Testing Center. Relatives/friends must wait outside of the Testing Center. Children are not to be left unattended in the Testing Center lobby or anywhere outside during the duration of testing.


To request ADA testing accommodations, please contact Charla Ellerker at 863-784-7176 or Charla.Ellerker@southflorida.edu well in advance of your anticipated testing date and request a virtual or phone appointment.

The Four Competency Areas

1 American Democracy Understanding of the basic principles and practices of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government
2 U.S. Constitution An understanding of the United States Constitution and its application
3 Founding Documents Knowledge of the founding documents and how they have shaped the nature and functions of our institutions of self-government
4 Landmark Impact on Law & Society An understanding of landmark Supreme Court cases, landmark legislation, and landmark executive actions and their impact on law and society


Civic Literacy Resources

The Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) developed an FCLE Study Guide containing a sample test equivalent to the length of the FCLE. Test items will be aligned to the competencies and written at a similar level of complexity and difficulty to the FCLE.

Currently, there is no official study guide for this exam. Below are resources that may help with civic literacy information:

Additional resources are available via the FLDOE Civic Literacy webpage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Civic Literacy a Graduation Requirement?

Yes. A student seeking an A.A., A.S., or bachelor’s degree will have to demonstrate competency prior to being awarded a degree.

Why did the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) decide that I needed to meet this Civic Literacy requirement to graduate?

Florida is committed to preparing students to become civically engaged and knowledgeable adults who make positive contributions to their communities. Florida students will graduate with sufficient knowledge of America’s civics, particularly the principles reflected in the United States Constitution, to be capable of discharging their responsibilities as American citizens.

What are the Civic Literacy requirements?

Beginning in 2022-23, both an assessment and a course are required to meet the civic literacy competency requirements for A.A., A.S., and baccalaureate students. There are a few options to meet the course and assessment options:

  1. Course Requirements – Students must successfully pass one of the following:

            AMH 1020: United States History from 1877 to Present
            POS 1041: American National Government

  1. Civic Literacy assessment options and standard scores:
  • Florida Civic Literacy Examination (FCLE) – Score of 48 (or higher) out of 80 (at least 60%)
  • CLEP American Government – Score of 50 (or higher) out of 80 (Both course and assessment can be met by this)
  • AP American Government – Score of 3 (or higher) out of 5 (Both course and assessment can be met by this)
  • AP United States History – Score of 4 (or higher) out of 5

Who is exempt from meeting the Florida Civic Literacy Competency requirement?

Students with catalog years 2018-2019 through 2020-21 are exempt from the Florida Civic Literacy Competency requirement if they:

  • Earned college credit before fall 2018

How will students take the Florida Civic Literacy exam?

Students will take the Florida Civic Literacy Examination by scheduling an appointment with the Testing Center or registering at RegisterBlast.

What is the retake policy for students?

Students will be able to retake the exam in 30 days, exceptions may be granted upon consideration. This policy is under review and may change.

What are the required Civic Literacy competencies?

Students initially entering a Florida College System institution or state university in 2018-19 and thereafter must demonstrate competency in civic literacy. As outlined by statute, civic literacy competencies, and outcomes include:

  • Understanding of the basic principles and practices of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government
  • An understanding of the United States Constitution and its application
  • Knowledge of the founding documents and how they have shaped the nature and functions of our institutions of self-government
  • An understanding of landmark Supreme Court cases, landmark legislation, and landmark executive actions, and their impact on law and society

How can I prepare for the Florida Civic Literacy Examination (FCLE)?

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Naturalization Test serves as the foundation for the Florida Civic Literacy Examination. The Civic Literacy Exam will draw 80 questions out of a test bank of 100 questions. A score of 48 (or higher) out of 80 questions (at least 60%) is a passing score. The following resources will help you prepare for the exam:

 For USCIS exam multimedia resources, see:

How does the Florida Civic Literacy Competency requirement apply to previously dual enrolled, transfer, out-of-state, and returning students?

The new civic literacy requirement applies to students who are entering into A.A., A.S., and baccalaureate programs under the 2022-2023 catalog year, regardless of prior postsecondary coursework. This includes formerly dual-enrolled, transfer, out-of-state students, and returning students entering with prior postsecondary coursework. Students who have previously achieved a passing score on an approved assessment or passed an approved course will have met the assessment requirement or coursework requirement, respectively, and will not need to retake assessments or courses.

How does the Florida Civic Literacy Competency requirement apply to baccalaureate students who are entering with an A.A. or A.S./A.A.S. degree?

Baccalaureate students under the 2022-2023 catalog year are required to meet the civic literacy course and assessment requirements. If the student previously demonstrated civic literacy competency through a course or an assessment during their associate degree program, those passed courses or passing scores could also be used toward demonstration of civic literacy competency for baccalaureate completion. The student would then just need to fulfill the other requirement via an assessment or course.

How can I take the American Government CLEP Exam to get class credit as well as FCLE test credit for Civic Literacy?

You can find more information about the CLEP Exam on the CollegeBoard website or SFSC’s CLEP page. A CLEP ticket does not guarantee a testing time, an appointment will still be necessary through RegisterBlast.

How long does it take for my test results to appear?

At the completion of the exam, you will be notified on the screen if you passed.