Hotel Jacaranda from the street



Hospitality Program:

With its array of theme parks, coastal properties, and downtowns, Florida presents opportunities in every arena of food service from main street bakery to resort hotel catering. SFSC offers a Professional Culinary Arts and Hospitality program that trains students in a professional kitchen where they learn how to prepare food and organize large events. The historical setting of the Hotel Jacaranda Restaurant affords SFSC students the ability to learn in a unique and comfortable setting where students serve restaurant and hotel guests their culinary delights. Instruction within the Professional Culinary Arts and Hospitality program can prepare graduates to venture into a full-time food industry career or a private catering business in as little as one to two years. 


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Franchising
  • Kitchen Manager
  • Operations Cook
  • Restaurant Management

Jennifer Groves
Chair, Business and Computer Technologies
PHONE: 863-784-7136